The Ceremonial Tea Of The High Priestess

The Sacred Blue Lotus of Egypt 
is classed as an entheogen 
sanctioning it as a psychoactive visionary plant medicine 
that was used in relation to ancient religious rituals and cultural ceremonies.   

 The Blue lotus was so significant to the ancient Egyptians that it can be found scribed in Egyptian hieroglyph
 ( Medu Neter ) on much of the limestone walls, granite pillars, pottery and papyri.   

The medicinal purposes of the sacred flower were documented as being an aphrodisiac to provoke one’s desires and enhance sexual pleasure.
The blue lotus would be brewed into red wine
 and drunk at erotic ceremonies, celebrations and festivities. 


Fertility was not only the obligation and duty of any High Priestess but she whom carried and guarded the sacred womb insured an influential lineage of power that was carried with devotion and sacrifice as a two-fold. 

Most importantly it played the role of a High Priestess in connection to that of fertility and the very manifestation of creation itself. 

The various accounts of the religious spiritual sciences of the Ancient Egyptians had been translated on the Shabaka Stone by the Memphite Priests of Memphis. Inscriptions describe the creation of the sun God "RA" also known as "REH" or "ATUM" begun as creation rose from the abyss of darkness ( muddy waters of the Nile ) from a single Blue Lotus Bud and continued to create the Ennead (9 divine beings) forging the cosmos from his own self-creation and so  forth becoming known for all that of manifestation through his own perfect divine essence and setting order amongst a world full of chaos. 


 During the monsoon season the banks of Egypt filled with rich minerals, allowing the Egyptians to cultivate these rich minerals known as silt from the native waters for the use of propagation and cultivation purposes for agricultural farming. 
Without these natural occurrences the otherwise baron dry lands 
or "kemet" ( land of the black ) as known by the ancient Egyptians at that time would have ceased to exist.
Blue lotuses would drop hundreds of seeds per annum which some of these seeds would germinate immediately or could be dormant for months to years between seasons from the usual abundant waters.

 Awakening and rising to what may have seemed to the ancients as a magickal plant manifesting from the depths of nothingness.


Seeds symbolised burial and resurrection
Funerary rites of pharaohs were seen to be a rite of passage to the afterlife with their mummified bodies buried and entombed with seeds in the pharaohs palm.


 Representations such as the headdress of Hathor the Goddess of Love embodied the sun disk held by cow horns as being symbolic of the womb and fertility, the ankh was another popular ancient Egyptian symbol in relation to that of fertility.


Rituals were practiced through magickal imagery, incantations, symbologies, idols and magickal plant medicines involving the preservation of the "khet" ( physical body ) by mummification ceremonial funerary rites carried out by divine high priests enabling the "akhu" ( body of the living or dead ) to serve the "ka" ( soul/spirit ) in the afterlife after death. 

Thus relating to the significance of death and the belief that the "Ka" ( soul ) would continue to live on after one’s death in the afterlife.

Albert Einstein an acclaimed theoretical Physicist concluded centuries later that 

"Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another."  simultaneously theorising that nothing can ever cease to exist, but merely changes form.

The same knowledge had been attained by the ancient Egyptians with the use of magic (Heka) as people of modern society would know to be associated as technology in the form of science, medicine and engineering.  

The word pharmacy comes from the Greek word pharmakeia that actually translates to sorcery, magic and the distribution of drugs.


Contemporary Christianity replaces the Paganistic views of all ancient civilisations gods and deities by converting the views of life, death and resurrection with the essence of "a being" whom is known by modern religious sects as Jesus Christ.

One of the ancient gods of Egypt known as Nefertem God of perfumery used the blue lotus flower as a medicinal herb in ointments, incense and essential oils to rid the pain of Ra's ageing body.

Blue Lotus can also be drunk as a tea or brewed in red wine.

Blue Lotus Wine Recipe 

 30 grams Nymphaea Caerulea lotus petals 

Bottle of red wine 

Steeped 3-7 days

Strain with cheese cloth 

Dreaming tool for divination 

Divine awakening to the Gods

Calming and relaxing 


