Kambo Kingdom - The Giant Monkey Frog
The Giant Monkey Frog scientifically known as the Phyllomedusa bicolor is a nocturnal amphibian found within the South American Amazon Basin.
During the monsoon season the male becomes particularly active and commences a singing ritual or (croaking) as a means for hunting and mating.
These active seasons allow The Shamans of local Amazonian tribes to locate and capture the Giant Monkey Frog for the use of Kambo ceremonies.
Kambo is a medicine that is administered by the Amazonian shamans to people as a Cleansing medicine to purify spirit, enhance and heighten senses and give strength and vitality when enduring hunting.
The Sapo of the Frog used as a medicine is poisonous, which is a natural defence mechanism used to fend off predators.
When gently poked the Sapo, a waxy substance that secretes from the Giant Monkey frogs pores is scrapped from the frog and administered by a wooden scraping instrument over burned lesion points.
When gently poked the Sapo, a waxy substance that secretes from the Giant Monkey frogs pores is scrapped from the frog and administered by a wooden scraping instrument over burned lesion points.
The Shaman makes the marks on the skin with a sharpened wooden tool that's heated over a flame allowing the instrument to penetrate the skin.
The waxy substance is then scraped over these lesions thus allowing the Sapo a gateway into the blood stream.
The Shaman may administer 4 - 6 times of that the Sapo to his Patient slowly building upon the dosage over a single ceremony.
The Effects of the Sapo has a Purgative effect that usually involves nausea leading to vomiting.
The poison surges through the body ridding it of negative energies and working on physical alignments.
The Sapo of the frog will cleanse blockages throughout the body and remove the build up of toxins, hence why most shamanic ceremonies are associated with these purgative effects.
Accounts have been documented of patients being rid of cancer, Alzheimers and chronic pain with the use of Kambo medicine but no medical scientific evidence is yet documented to support these accounts.
As the initial effects of the Kambo cleanse begin to wear off you will begin to feel the effects of drowsiness set in.
The lasting effects of a Kambo Ceremony will be a spiritual clarity.
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